Tuesday, May 18, 2010

11 months old!

I can't believe that Crawford is 11 months old! So cliche' but where has the time gone? He actually was 11 months on Friday and we had a trip planned to San Antonio. It started raining REALLY hard on Friday so we decided not to go since it would be me and Crawford driving by ourselves to meet Nathan. Friday afternoon we decided to go to Abilene instead, which was a great idea! We got to meet baby Ethan and see all my other ACU girls. Much needed girl time with some of the girls who know me best!
While we were there Crawford really "took off" with the walking thing! He has been walking/taking a few steps for a few weeks now, but this weekend he really started walking a long way!!! We were so excited and proud of our little man. I have some pictures of the weekend and I will upload those later, when I can find my camera! Bad I know.
On another note, Marisa & Kelly (Crawford's teachers) had an end of the year/birthday party for the babies today. It was so much fun to see the babies play in the pool. I think we will be getting one of those shortly. Crawford had so much fun splashing and playing with his friends. I think we have Coleman to thank for that! He learned it from his this weekend when they took a bath (blackmail picture for later). Here are a couple pics from this afternoon. Stay tuned for the Abilene pictures.

1 comment:

  1. I think we will have to get a little pool to use outside for Adelyn too. How else are we going to get through the Texas summer heat?! Crawford looks so cute in little swim trunks!
