Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Crawford is 1!!

I can't believe that my baby is 1! This has been one of the most amazing and had year of our lives. I don't even remember life without him (ok, maybe a little...sleeping in, staying up late, being able to pick up and go in 5 minutes, getting ready without worrying, sleeping all night and not waking up worrying, worrying that I'm doing it right, shopping, working out, etc) but I wouldn't trade it for ANYTHING!! He has been so amazing and I can't wait to watch him turn in to such a wonderful little boy. I am really enjoying being home with him right now for the summer. We stay up late and sleep in. Right now he has my love of sleeping in, and hopefully this lasts! This kind of worries me though about our next one. Actually everything worries me about our next one. Crawford has been such a wonderful baby, that I can't imagine getting that lucky/blessed twice!! He is such a great walker too. When I would tell people he wasn't 1 yet, they were amazed that he was walking that well. It's been great, but it has also brought the beginning of what I'm thinking will be some WONDERFUL fits!! He wants to be Mr. Independent! He barely wants to hold our hand when we're walking. I'm also pretty sure we might have a "leashed" kid here pretty soon. I have always said that I wasn't too proud to put my child in one of those, but now that I have a very active, independent little boy, I see that happening even more. We went to the dr. today and he got three shots :( The good news was he's still a healthy boy, who will be like his daddy, tall and skinny! Tomorrow I will be going and picking up our pictures that we had done with Robin Winkles photography. I am beyond excited!! Here are a few of them.

I will add pictures from his party soon!

1 comment:

  1. aww so cute!! Oh and a "leash kid" isn't so get used to it especially with independent children. Better to keep them safe and with you than have them wander me it's NOT a good feeling :(
