Monday, August 23, 2010


Lots and lots has been going on in our little world! I started back to work last week and that was probably the hardest day of my life. This is part of the reason my blogging as suffered. Last year was difficult, but Crawford didn't know I was leaving, so that made it easier. Now he just cries and holds his hands up to me. It just breaks my heart!! I know it will get easier, but it still sucks. He has found something he likes though, the hats! I know you're thinking to yourself "what? Crawford wearing a hat?!" I know crazy! He really likes the construction hat, which hopefully means he'll be the superintendent, not the trash picker upper!

He has been adjusting so well, actually probably better than I have. I am just so thankful that he is with Marisa again!! She is so great with him and doesn't let him get away with anything, and he WILL TRY! The picture I took the other day of him on the end table was a foreshadowing of what was to come. I watched him climb on the table at school as Marisa was telling him NO. She had to come get him down and he was laughing. I promise Marisa we are not letting him get away with this at home!!! I'm so sorry!
We will be going to Dallas this weekend for my cousin's baby shower and to see one of my best friends, Brittany. She found out on Monday that she has thyroid cancer, which is devastating, but we know that God is in control and we are just praying. Hopefully we'll have pictures from this weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Hey! Where is the letter "B" on the wall? It's missing...I wonder who took it off??!!?? :)
