Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I know, I'm bad!

I have been so bad at updating this thing, but hopefully I can get back on track. Crawford has been changing so much lately that it's hard to keep up with him! He's almost 10 1/2 months which is crazy, and what's even crazier is that we're planning his first birthday party. I think we're going to be having it at my parent's in Marble Falls. If you're reading this, you're invited! He has been "walking" pusing his walker, and this video is a couple weeks old. I'm trying to get a new one because he is doing so much better, but he hasn't been feeling great so hopefully soon!

His favorite thing is his "truck" (or that's what we call it). I think he loves how fast it can go, which I'm sure will be trouble for us in the very near future. He loves the freedom too. In the video he comes and get a puff from me, which we call a "power puff" because it gives POWER to keep going!! Here is the video!

At the end of March I had a conference in Ft. Worth and got to see lots of friends. We went and saw the Millers in Weatherford, which was awesome because we hadn't got to meet little Italee. Here are a couple pics of Crawford and his future wife.

Now for any of you that don't know Melissa Miller she is probably one of the MOST creative, talented people I have EVER met. If you couldn't tell by the outfit Italee was wearing! Here are just ONE pair of shoes that she has made for her little girl. I wish I had an ounce of her creativity!!

After we saw the Millers we went to meet up with the Cobbs and Bisettis. I didn't do a good job of taking pictures while we were there, but I did get a cute one of Crawford (shocker!). He LOVES straws, which I'm assuming he got from Nathan, because he does the same thing. He was looking at Brittany in this one. So funny!

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