Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Well if there were a test for blogging, I would have failed!! There are so many posts that I would like to do with pictures, but it seems to take FOREVER, so I just don't do them. Horrible I know. I have also realized that I have been bad at doing a baby book for Crawford. :( I will try to get better at this even if I don't put pictures up. These days are going by so fast that I want to be able to remember them! We've been spending quite a bit of time with our friends the Goudeaus, Jared, April and Adelyn. I saw recently on April's blog that she writes down things Addie is doing and I thought I might pick this up too (I hope that's ok April!). Speaking of the Goudeaus, it's been great getting to hang out with them! They came over for dinner on Saturday night, which of course we grilled, thanks to Nathan's father day present. We then went down to the lake and the park which I'm not sure if the dads or the kids had more fun :)

One of the reasons it's been so nice to hang out with them, is that they understand what it's like to have a 1 year old and are also in that "phase" right now where all you do is chase! Crawford is a mover and a groover, so we always have to be on our toes. So on to what's Crawford up to these days:
-walking/running everywhere
-opening any door or drawer he can find
-he loves throwing away his diapers and then clapping afterwards
-CLIMBING!! I have found him on top of our end table, and most recently tonight, on top of the kitchen chair
-this boy is also fearless! (a little scary for a kid who's dad used to ride bulls!)
-playing with pots and pans from "his" cabinet because all the other ones are "Crawford proofed"
-doing "touch down"
-pulling up his shirt when asked, where's your belly? (we're working on toes)
-clapping for "yea"
-testing the limits (knowing exactly what he's not supposed to be doing and looking to see if you're watching)
-he gets sooo excited when he sees his dad and Granpa, us girls are kind of left in the cold!
-pulling/pushing anything, particullary his lawn mower and golf bag
-taking things out, and putting them back in
-playing with his puppies (mainly taking their toys and running)
-he LOVES strawberries and bananas
and last but not least, being the cutest little boy in the world!! Well maybe next time I can get some pics on here. And if anyone knows an easier way, let me know!!

1 comment:

  1. You are welcome to copy any ideas on my blog! I want to remember all of the "little" things that she does at each age. I am looking forward to getting together again and chasing our kids together!
